
Star Trek's Utopia: Peace On Earth

Possible? Absolutely!

"'...the main hurdle to peace is bad government, some scientists say. "A better world, if it comes into being, depends not so much on technological fixes as on breaking down centers of power so that we can all play a significant role in deciding matters that affect our daily lives," Fox told SPACE.com. Pilisuk agrees. "If there is a common enemy around which humanity can unite, it is the institutions that protect privilege for an elite network with extraordinary power and minimal accountability," Pilisuk wrote in an e-mail. "At present, hopes for peace look most promising in the decentralized myriad of creative local actions of people wanting leaders to respond to their true needs."'

It isn't rocket science.

A peaceful world is one where we aren't focused on countries.

A peaceful world is one where government's primary focus is always, always, always on the people it is elected to serve and represent.

And, most importantly, a peaceful world is one that is focused on human needs. Not power. Not money. But on real human needs. (Not wants, but needs. Took me while to understand the difference.) No one likes to be told how to live. We all desire freedom (and none of us have it in its purest form), which is the right to be whoever we choose, live as we want, think as we wish, eat what we want, in a nutshell, do whatever we want without restriction, without punishment, as long as we're not imposing our will on others. As I've said for many moons now, freedom does not mean being free from being offended.

Freedom. It's a tricky, uncomfortable issue, one I'm still learning of. But oh so necessary to live out that Star Trek Utopia of a peaceful world.

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