
Singin' The UnEmployment Blues...

Ok, so I'm not really singing. More like spitting-mad, hand-wringing while thinking "what in the fuck am i gonna do?!" Available jobs in this area are really fucking slim-to-none. There are a lot of older folks, which means an abundance of CNA and Nurse positions. I'd love to work with these people in so long as I didn't have to see their body fluids. I quickly found out that this was a requirement for all positions, even those "residential aide" positions. I tried to convince some of these places to pay me just to sit with some of these folks, talk with them, take them to the dining room, etc. You know, provide company. Those positions, however, are unpaid. And until money stops being the tool used in transactions, I'm kind of forced to take a position that pays.

I've applied for a few positions at the University. Given I'm still technically an employee, I figured it may give me an edge, or at least put me ahead of non-employees.

Other than that, I can drive long-haul truck. Or weld. Or wash dishes, although nope, wait, I see where commercial dishwashing experience is required. Or I could always ring the santa bell for the next few weeks out in the cold.

Perhaps the time has come for the have-nots to start taking from the have's, because those of us in the have-not space are tired of the struggle of trying to get what is left of the pie known as the american dream. At least this person is.

Ooh, speaking of the Have's, anyone see the story about the gluttonous prick down in Atlanta, with that huge 12,000 square foot house, which he inhabits by himself I might add. Hear of the enormous amount of water he uses on a daily basis and how he is refusing to cut back, even though the entire City is just a few months away from running out of water. ?? This drought doesn't even come close to the last serious drought of the 1980's. The city is putting pressure on him, the residents are speaking out, but he's hiding in his mcmansion, refusing to cooperate, speaking only through his attorney.

If this isn't the epitomy of the sickening disease that is gluttony and greed in this culture, I don't know what is. This idea that "what I do doesn't effect you, and well, if it does, I don't care. This is MY home, MY land, MY life and I'll do as I please." Kind of like the opponents to our current Measure 49. Freedom is only freedom when what it is you are doing isn't interfering with the freedom of another (and of the environment). Freedom doesn't mean you get to do as you please without consequence. Well, unless you're a member of the government or corporate elite.

If our planet could sustain these lifestyles, sure, have at it. But obviously we are having serious resource depletion and shortage, right here in the states (something many people have been refusing to see for some time now) which means we ALL must conserve and scale down. Your money is only going to protect you for so long. When food and water are in short supply, survival instincts will kick in. When/if that time does come to pass, that wealth won't mean a damn thing. Hiding in your huge estate won't mean a thing either. Cooperation, compassion and respect will be what will save your ass.

Good advice for us all.

1 comment:

tkn said...

I feel your pain.

Being unemployed is the pits. Next to being employed, that is.

I heard about a silicon chip plant planned for Albany, but its still just an idea. Supposedly it'll bring 500 jobs.

I think Corvallis should become the epicenter of a revolution in the economy. In the face of growing shortage and scarcity, we should lead the way in recycling and producing goods with those recycled materials locally and with zero waste.

Hang in there. You'll find something soon.