
MSM: Ron Paul MUST Be A Terrorist Supporter Nina: Maybe Not A Terrorist, But One Of Those Scary Pro-Life Types

Oh what funny spins the MSM puts on things. All of that spinning makes me dizzy. Let me the fuck off of this rollercoaster...

Ron Paul has been gaining in both campaign contributions, online hits and support. But being he's a (supposed) threat to the "how things are" supporters, well, the MSM has to come up with something quickly. Afterall, those Big Wig types don't want someone like Paul in office. Supposedly... Afterall, they may just have to, shock, pay more in taxes and, shock, support the ideals of freedom, liberty and justice, and shock, let the PEOPLE choose for themselves. Supposedly...

Ok, all of that being said, I cannot give my support to Ron Paul. Assuming I will vote that is... Overall, I like what he stands for, on paper that is. However, it is his Pro-Life stand that, well, I cannot stand. Ok, it isn't his belief system that bothers me. It is his desire and intention to create a Pro-Life America, whereby he wants to create legislation that states Life Begins At Conception. He also has helped create legislation that means an end to Roe V. Wade. An end of Federal Government's interference with the will of the States on this issue. States will be free to choose what is best for them. It's all right there on his website. This black-and-white thinking of his is frightening. He believes that a nation of liberty must value all life, including the life of the unborn. Must be Pr0-Life.

Need I mention how many ways the term Pro-Life can be construed?? And need I ask just exactly how he wishes to see this life-begins-at conception manifest?? And need I remind him we have way too many red necks in this nation who would use that, er, manifesto, to invoke violence?? Anyone else but me see the big danger red flags all over this one??

States being free to choose what is best for them. How dangerous is that? Sorry pro-life folks, until our culture evolves into a place where life is truly valued on the OUTSIDE of the womb, we need federal protection for women wishing to end their pregnancies. And besides that, no one has the right to tell or force a woman to carry a pregnancy to its end. None of us will EVER have that right. We can opine on this all we wish, but no one has the right to use such force against another human being, male or female. (And let's be honest here, if men could get pregnant today, abortion wouldn't be an issue. It would be safe and legal.)

Maybe the best thing is to leave government, state and federal, and the law out of it and leave it up to the doctors and patients. Could we have this as a nation? Not if Ron Paul were president and were to create and pass his desired pieces of legislation.

Funny it is to me, how he values freedom and privacy and choice and getting the government out of our personal lives, and yet he has plans to create LEGISLATION that could essentially see an elimination to safe, legal abortion (which he implies he wishes to see when he says in all of his years of practicing medicine, he NEVER once saw the need to medically terminate a pregnancy. Well good for him. There are indeed situations where medical abortions are necessary. And what about instances of rape or molestation?)

WTF?? Oh sure, we will just let the states decide as the Feds have no right to make this choice. Nice on paper, something perhaps I could be open to at least looking into, in so long as he leaves out the "Life Begins At Conception" federal piece of legislation, and all that could be implied from that. Makes no sense.

The precedent that something like this can set is dangerous. And I cannot begin to express the outrage I have towards folks such as him who will never know what it is like to be pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy. To be alone without support in such a situation. Or as worse or even worse, to be raped or molested and faced with the same situation. It is indeed a very dangerous, ugly and violent thing to do to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. Dangerous for the woman and for the growing life inside her. He wishes to see an end to abortion and yet offers up NOTHING to deal with those very real issues surrounding an unwanted pregnancy as I have described. His answer--make it more difficult to have an abortion. Remove the federal government and let the states decide. But meanwhile we'll have, as a nation, this banner that says "Life Begins At Conception". Sorry, but I see deception written all over this one...

And on a practical side, what does he plan on doing with those unwanted babies? Leave that up to the States as well? There aren't enough families to house them. Certainly, the State wouldn't have the funds. We already have a national problem of homeless youth and children in need of homes. What in the hell is he thinking? And Mr. Paul must know that the vast majority of these staunch pro-life folks only feign to care for the life inside, but once it's a full-fledged human being with real needs, that support goes out the window and focuses back onto the next pregnant woman and her "condition".

I listened to him on PBS one evening as he described his pro-life view. He's an OB/GYN and after delivering thousands of babies, he knew he could never, under any circumstance, support abortion.

Never? Not even if the woman was raped? Not even if it was a young teenage girl who had been molested? Not even if the pregnancy was threatening the woman's life?

Fine. If he ever returns to medicine, he doesn't have to perform abortions. That is his choice. Leave it as such. Leave the Feds out of it if he so desires. But then LEAVE IT AT THAT. Don't create legislation that supports his OPINION. The States could easily say "Federal Legislation states America is a Pro-Life nation and that Life Begins At Conception and we construe that to mean murder is murder. Taking of a life is murder. Abortion is therefore murder."

This nation would have a hay-day with something like this. A hay-day that would turn into violence and chaos.

In an ideal world, yes, birth control would be 100% effective. In an ideal world, yes, communities and families would always rally around a woman who finds herself pregnant and alone or otherwise feeling unsupported and frightened. In an ideal world, yes, there would be no rape, no molestation. And need I mention the fact that cultures have always practiced their own forms of abortion using medicinal herbs? Abortion is simply part of the human existance.

To help reduce the number of abortions, which I believe certainly can be achieved....until that ideal world has been realized, Mr. Paul and others like him need to keep their noses out of the personal lives and wombs of the American Female and instead, use that energy to help create an environment where life outside the womb is valued. For if life outside the womb were valued, we would indeed see the need for abortion drop dramatically.

As Mr. Nina and I were discussing, it wouldn't surprise us if Ron Paul is simply another front man for the PTB. Given how controlled things are, the one who is the most ignored is likely to be the one who is the biggest threat to the establishment. Kucinich fits that mold rather nicely now, doesn't he?


nolocontendere said...

My personal philosophy goes as follows:

Her body, her decision.

End of discussion.

tkn said...

For me personally, the idea that life begins at conception is laughable. Life is an endless continuum, a sine wave, a spiral.

For people to pretend to know what God wants is laughable. Especially people who, like you point out, have utter disregard for the poor and certainly, their "enemies".

Yesterday I was listening to a guy on the radio who went through the Bible and tried to follow every last rule in the Bible. I think he wrote a book about it. Anytime you encounter a biblical literalist, ask him/her whether they wear clothes made of two or more kinds of fibers, then point out that this is a sin according to the bible.

Just one of countless ridiculous rules in the Bible that no one follows anymore except Hasidic Jews and other orthodox types.

Nina said...

oh yes, the bible literalists. it is interesting how they take certain passages that support their views, take them literally, but then disregard others that don't support their view. which i guess in and of itself is fine, considering we all pick and choose in this manner. however, it's when they proclaim "well the BIBLE says this", therefore it must be ultimate truth...that's where i see the looney bin hat dance.

ron paul scares me, people. i can't believe the MSM hasn't pointed out his radical pro-life agenda. and i can't believe folks such as alex jones back this man. makes me wonder what these supposed "progressive"/anti-bush people are really after...or who they really represent...