
Wanna Get Rich In America?

Well, you have three choices. You can inherit it (which happens 69.9% of the time); you can marry into it (which happens just a 4.2% of the time, so odds are not so good on that one) or you can do other things such as join the mob, become a druglord, become a corporate executive, make it in the entertainment and sports fields or win the lottery. (The other things category is listed as "crime", which isn't too far from the truth when you consider what is indeed done to make it in many of these "other" categories.)

I found this piece online after I saw the piechart on a blogging buddies blog. I wanted to find out if the chart was accurate. A google search brought me to this article that just happened to have the same pie chart. Anyway, this site gives a ton of information, articles and such on wealth and poverty in America. Those who are against sharing the wealth or who think anyone can become wealthy will receive a good dose of humbleness upon reading through this "wealth" of information.

My thought is, I wonder how many people who are swimming at the bottom are actually aware of it. I was unaware for about 5 years where we fell in terms of wage and how we lived. Of course at the time, our rent was considered "dirt cheap" (to us it was fair given the income we were making). However, all of that changed when we were forced to move and realized we would have to pay at least $300 or more per month for something similar. It was a shocking reality to have to swallow.

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