
Holy Crap. It's Jesus Camp!

So.... I finally watched this documentary. Hubby didn't want to see it given his religious indoctrination as a child. After watching this film I understood his refusal to watch it. I myself had a hell of a time watching it.

These days little surprises me anymore. This film, though, did just that. What I saw was no less than child abuse. For those who haven't seen it, the film documents the founding of Jesus Camp, a camp created by Becky Fischer, a Pentecostal children's minister with the sole purpose of making these children "warriors for jesus". The tricks they use follow the formula for mind control: Fear. Guilt. Repetitive phrases.

I don't know what was more shocking, more frightening. Watching this predatorial bitch brainwash these young minds (as young as 3 or so) or hearing the children speak themselves. This woman somehow thinks she's a messenger sent by god to indoctrinate our nation's children so that we may form a christian nation with christian principles, so that our children will hit the streets and "save" the "unsaved". And of course, what radical evangelical doesn't make the primary focus abortion. They're pro-life of course (although Ms. Fischer claims they have no political affiliation, no political influence). The usual evangelical mantra. They don't give a shit about ya unless you're Christian or can be converted TO Christianity or unless you're a fetus inside a womb. After that, you belong to satan. See ya at the Rapture.

Hearing the children speak is really like listening to a programmed robot. What comes out of their mouths are hate-filled phrases as spoken to them time and again by adults. These are not the words of young children. These are fearful, hateful words spoken to them over and over until they "get it". Every bit as horrifying is knowing these children's parents are not only allowing this abuse but are encouraging it.

These children are being taught to lay down their lives for scripture. As one of the camp's brainwashed little victims, Rachel, says: "it's cool" to be a martyr.

Equally horrifying is watching these young children being coerced into declaring their sins, how they are "fakes" when it comes to be servants of god, how they are to repent, all in front of the entire congregation. They may as well be beating these children with ropes. The damage to these young minds, these young hearts, is every bit as damaging.

On a rather humorous note, Ted Haggard was featured speaking at his massive congregation in Colorado. This was obviously before his REAL self was exposed for us all to see. I wondered how long it is until Ms. Fischer's REAL self is exposed as well. Wouldn't surprise me to learn she is doing the freak with another chick.

What I found disturbingly ironic (and what should put a big fat question mark of doubt into the minds of anyone who supports Becky Fischer and her agenda) is how Ms. Fischer on one hand denounces Islam while in the next breath comparing HER extreme indoctrination to that of Islam. It's ok for Christians to do it, but not the Islams. As she said "we have the truth".

No, Ms. Fischer, what you have is a belief system. We ALL like to think we are the holders of truth. But in reality, all we have are beliefs that guide us. And if you really wish to turn this nation into your version of a "christian" nation, I'll have to pass on that one. Me and the rest of the satan-guided sinners will continue to do just fine on our own.

What haunted me throughout the film, and continues to do so at this moment, is the thought that these children are going to be out in society, functioning as adults, in a few short years. This movement is growing. What began as a group of adults who formed their own belief system AS adults has turned into a cult where children are now the pawns, where children are being forced to adopt the views of the adults around them, without being given the option not to. This is far worse than what most of us experienced in church growing up. Sure many of us had freaks at the pulpit, preaching a bunch of crap while twisting the values of love and peace and respect. However, most of us weren't forced into being "warriors for jesus". Most of us weren't coerced into walking the streets in order to recruit new members. It's one thing when adults do it. It's all together something different when children do. It's wrong. It needs to be stopped. Now.


tkn said...

Well, I've been wanting to see Jesus Camp for a little while, but I don't think I need to anymore. I've read a couple articles recently, one by Chris Hedges and the other by Michelle Goldberg, which also sound the alarm on christian fundamentalism and dominionism/christian terrorist training camps. I agree we need to nip this in the bud, but how? I'd like to think that the best way to overcome hate is with love, but these people see any dissent or challenge as a direct threat to their life. It boggles my mind that people can conveniently ignore the fact that this nation was founded on the idea of religious freedom. As I recall, that's why the pilgrims fled europe, as well as a bunch of other groups. This also brings to mind prophecy we heard in Sabbath school back in the day (I grew up Seventh Day Adventist). They prophesized that the day would come when we would be persecuted for going to church on Saturday, laws would be changed to make Sunday the official day of worship, people would have to get a barcode tattooed on their hand or forehead, which was interpreted as the mark of the beast, in order to make any purchases, etc.
sigh...can't we all just get along?

PS check out my profile for my email.

Nina said...

i don't think these people would know how to respond to love. i don't think they know what it is. and as you said, any sign of dissent would be taken as a threat on their lives.

it's a fine line--the right to practice religious freedom--versus what classifies as child abuse. what they are doing to these children, in my mind, is emotional/mental abuse and at the very least could be enough for CPS to do some investigating. the parents as well need to be investigated for allowing their children (likely forcing) to be a part of this.

if we believe the world is going to end, if enough of us believe it, that's what we'll create. that is what has bothered me most about religion--the idea that we really have no will (or our will is sinful and only god/jesus/etc. will matters), things are already planned out, etc. etc. the bible says this therefore it MUST be true. blah blah blah

if people would put that faith into the principles of love in action instead we'd have a much different world.

Spiritbear said...

Hey Nina, Thanks for posting on my blog. I saw Jesus Camp too and even though I come from a highly Christian background, it disturbed the hell out of me. I think I am going to have nightmares about Bush worshipping children trying to kill me.

I made a post on my blog about it right after I watched it.

You wanna know whats even scarier, its very much like what really happens. I oughta know, I was one of them. I still hold Christian beliefs, but not like that.