

what do you get when you cross a would-be employer and promises of work? in my case, a FLAKE.

i recently wrote to this would-be person, stating after some contemplation, i believed they needed to compensate me for work i turned down. why? because i was waiting for work to come from them. work, by the way, that was told would be coming. first promised on a particular week (the week i turned down the offer of extra work from my current employer) then later promised in the upcoming 2 weeks. it turned into an utter dead end when i was told (after i made contact) all was on hold.

now this person has the nerve to tell me they owe me no such thing considering i should have written them telling me of this extra work opportunity. wtf? does this person fail to remember his own words? to add insult to injury, he said instead of compensating me for potential lost work opportunity (potential?? IT WAS A LOST WORK OPPORTUNITY, idiot), he said he will offer me their at-home course at no charge.

what a pretentious assumption to make. what an insult. and how utterly arrogant. typical salesman pitch.

i wrote back, reiterating his responsibility in the matter and again, this time rather than asking, commanding him to pay me. no more ms. nice gal.

good thing i found out about him before i was months into working for him. it has been my experience with so many of these new age folks that they are, in a nutshell, flaky. flightly. and completely unwilling (incapable?) of doing what they say and taking responsibility for their own words, instead saying such nonsense as "we are sorry things did not work out". excuse me, do not imply things did not work out because of what i did. you are the one who promised me work. you failed to deliver on that. and it is i who had to contact you to find out your intentions had changed. and not once did you say "woops, you are right, i did say these things to you and i am sorry for that." and in this situation, i e-mailed him his own e-mails, his own words.

put any of this on me? don't think so. look in the mirror. this one is on YOU.

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