
A Friend In Need of Help

i have a good friend that, whenever i speak with, always seems to humble me and make me realize my problems ain't so difficult. at least compared to hers. this is a woman who lost custody to two of her children last year. some family court judge awarded the ex-husband primary custody. money seems to be the motivating factor. the ex has it, my friend does not. you can buy justice in this country if you have $$, the right judge and attorney's running the show.

this decision........a nightmare decision if ever there was one. he abuses the kids, especially the youngest, who he never wanted to begin with. my friend left this man (and the state in which he lives) when she was pregnant with the youngest back in early 1997, moved out here (where we met shortly thereafter) and started a new life for herself and her children. however, he came back into her life, full of promises of being a "changed man". desperate to have a family again and a father for her children, she returned to him in late 2000 where they then remarried. within a few months, she knew he had manipulated her. he hadn't changed one bit. if anything, his mood swings and violent behavior had only increased. i met the man once. that was enough for me. everything in me said this was someone not to be trusted. my spouse received the same impression.

the youngest daughter, who i knew the first 3 years of her life when it was just she and her mama and sisters, was a very happy, outgoing child. she had a sparkle in her eyes that put a smile in your heart and on your face. she could transform the grinch with just one of her giggles.

however, tragically and sadly, upon reuniting with daddy, this child's behavior took a drastic turn for the worst. when she visited with her mama and sisters just a little over a year after they had left to be with him again, i noticed the spark in her eye was gone. she was no longer the happy, outgoing little girl i had grown to know and love. replaced was a child who was very moody, clingy and defiant. she had taken up hitting and biting. to say this was an angry child was an understatement. she was particular clingy with my spouse. it was as though she was desperate for an adult male to love her and show her attention.

if this weren't bad enough, my friend is now recovering from cancer. she's also in the process of trying to regain custody. she and i are on a crusade to see that this happens. we will be writing talk shows and contacting powerful attorney's in the hopes of finding one who will take the case pro bono. if anyone knows of such a person, please post your contact information in the comment section. thank you.

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