
It Must Be Nice...

It Must Be Nice:

*to be a self-proclaimed teabagger and be so heartless as to be against authentically helping others (funding war good - funding welfare bad), to be so blinded to the Constitution as to believe America is a Christian nation (so much for brotherly love and helping those in need), to be so ignorant and downright fucking stupid to be so hateful towards gays...and hey - some spelling lessons are in order...correct spelling does make you appear to be, well, more believable...i'm available for $25/hour to proof your signs, press releases and such...however my overall support for your movement begins and ends there (although i do agree with you, overall, on the idea that we are over-taxed as individuals).  capiche?

*to be a self-proclaimed left-leaning progressive who is so blind as to the very fact that, at the CORE of sustainability is MONEY, namely the incomes of the people...the current economic/monetary system is NOT SUSTAINABLE...P E R I O D...one simply cannot proclaim to be progressive and supportive of sustainability until they address this very F A C T...

*to be one of those who are cheering the latest health care reform while BLINDLY REFUSING to acknowledge the VERY FACT that the government REQUIRING any individual to purchase health care (much less auto) insurance is blaringly, obviously unconstitutional not to mention downright outrageous...this is NOT a "good starting point" as many of these folks proclaim...it is a nightmare waiting to explode - burdening an already stressed health care system which is run solely FOR PROFIT ONLY (with decisions being made by "suits" who typically have zero medical training) and has ceased to be about true patient care...

*to be members of our family who are living a comfy life, for whom the system of the past worked beautifully, who have NO CLUE what it's really like to have to "tighten" ones belt.... judging us for our current $$ situation (pulling the typical capitalistic, rugged individualistic method of blaming the victim) while failing to see the GOD DAMN FUCKING TRUTH of the system...i was not joking when i said any further judgments, badgering or other such emotional abuse will warrant me throwing your ass out of our house....and my life.

*to proudly wear one of the various labels...oooh i'm a greenie...oooh i'm a neocon....ooooh i'm a lefty....ooooh i'm a socialist....oooh i'm a ____fill in the blank.  get over yourself.  you're a human being--amazing, miraculous yet no more special or extraordinary than anyone else.  yes, you're a human being.  i'm a human being.  that's enough of a label, don't you think?  labels divide and blind us to the truths, realities and opinions of others.  this has been a hard one for me to accept.   

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