
Good Presidential Candidates? There Are None.

I actually sat through one of those debates last Sunday and lived to blog about it. The Democratic National Debate. What a bunch of wind-up dancing puppets. Authenticity? Zero. Sincerity? Same score. Even Dennis Kucinich sounded too much like a Politician, although he did toss out a real authentic zinger when the candidates were asked a laaaaaaaaaaame-ass question about god and prayer, whereby he said to the moderator, George Stepanapalouslalapalooza however you spell his name: "I've been praying all evening that you would call on me, George."

ZOWIE! That one initiated a good round of applause from the audience.

I'll believe in this whole fucking process when these debates become truly democratic and include all candidates from all parties. I'll have my faith restored when truth-telling replaces spin, manipulation and machinations. I'll start to believe in the political system when the tough questions are asked and the religious questions are left out. Who fucking cares what god, if any, these people pray to? I never have, even when I WAS part of the cult of religion. I will believe when the voting system is overhauled, when there is a paper trail that is created for every voter, when manufacturers of voting systems are not allowed to contribute to or support political parties and candidates.

I tried to keep my mouth shut as we watched, at the request of my spouse who knows me far-too-well, but I simply could not. All of the candidates spoke of the need for Universal Health Care. Billary blabbed about this need while failing to point out the MILLIONS she has collected from the Pharmaceutical Lobbyists. Kucinich did point out HR 676, a real plan for Universal Health Care just waiting more co-sponsors, but none of the other candidates acknowledged this piece of legislation. And George Lalapalooza let it slide.

Yep. Not surprising considering some of the advertisers for this little debate included a couple of the pharmaceutical druglords. That being said, I still yelled from my comfy spot on the couch: "HEY?! Come on! Why aren't any of you talking about this?? You SAY you are for such a plan and there is a bill already written! Come on George. SAY SOMETHING!"

Georgie boy did say the number one issue on people's minds is the war in Iraq. Lie. I'm pretty sure it's the cost of housing, health care and lack of living wage jobs. In short: M O N E Y. These issues, with the exception of health care, were not adaquately addressed in my opinion.

If the democrats want to win me back, they had better address the following:

1) Create a Universal Health Care System.
2) Poverty--A real tangible plan to, at the very least, ease it.
3) The outrageous cost of housing. Establishing grants to help low income earners (either that or ensure all make a living wage, see below)
4) Establish a minimum wage that is in-line with a living wage
5) Fix our crumbling infrastructure
6) Clean up the environment
7) Help the small family farmers
8) Promote the growth and use of Hemp
9) Study Tesla. Promote free energy and other alternative, sustainable methods.
10) Get out of NAFTA. (We should've listened to Ross Perot.)
11) STOP IMPORTING FOOD PRODUCTS FROM CHINA and ANY other country that does not have the same level of guidelines as we do here in the states.
12) End the war on drugs and decriminalize all drug use. Put some of those resources into treatment.
13) Put an end to this "Federal Law Supercedes State Law" b.s.
14) Iraq. Get out, of course.
15) OWN UP TO YOUR VOTE THAT GAVE BUSH THE POWER TO INVADE. It was a rushed decision. Sure, Bush lied to and mislead congress. I still say you all knew it was illegal at the onset, or at the very least you KNEW there was no pressing need to invade, even if you DID believe in the whole WMD story. There were some of your constituents who refused to authorize Bush. Why? THEY SAW THINGS AS THEY TRULY WERE instead of listening to the Prez. But, we all know War=Profit. As many of you said, money runs Washington. Yep.

So.......In other words, in so many ways, remember your priorities and do your damn job by providing for the people instead of Big Biz.


nolocontendere said...

Dog and pony show, ain't it? Just showbiz to make it look like anything but the vast criminal enterprise it really is.

crallspace said...

Great post!

I encourage you to print it up (or remember it word for word) and come speak this sentiment at the Open Forum SAT morning, anytime from 11-1 just South of the Fountains at the Farmers' MKT. You can meet Tim and I and some other great folks.

Yeah, I haven't even wasted time watch DEM debates. With the exception of Kucinich and the points raised by Mike Gravel, there's nothing there of interest to me.

I wholeheartedly agree with your list, but not in full with #12... that's OK.

Keep it up, and darnit.. come to the Forum!