
UFO Over Corvallis

did anyone else see this big ball of hovering light last night around 10:20pm? heading in a southeastern direction?

we were outside last night watching the skies (we had JUST walked outside actually) mostly checking out the beautiful crescent moon and how it was in alignment with venus and 2 other stars, when we saw this fairly large ball of light--it was bigger than the light of venus. upon closer observation, we both thought it looked like a circular object of yellowish light with a blueish light underneath. (i wish we had a telescope!) at first it appeared to be moving at a good speed. we ruled out a satellite given it was not moving in a straight direction, but rather seemed to be moving back and forth in a sideways motion. we followed it out into the street where it seemed to slow down, hover for a few moments then slowly faded out until it was gone completely.

what's wildly strange is that over the weekend we were reading an article on alien races, who they are, how many they are, who are the "good" guys and the "bad" guys.

seeing this in the sky was fascinating but equally disconcerning. we've each seen a few unusual objects in the sky, but they have been triangular in shape. i've never seen anything like this. certainly we weren't the only ones who saw this. given i'm loud when i'm excited and kept saying "holy crap LOOKIT that!" over and over, i kept thinking one of our neighbors would come outside to see what the fuss was about, but alas, no one did.

anyone else see the same thing? let me know!

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