

When life throws you a curve ball, it can force you to focus on what really matters. When you're faced with a health-related situation, even a temporary, fairly mild one, it can make you retreat from the world at large and remember what really matters.

For the past several weeks, I have been, by and large, completely and utterly uninterested in all things political, social, economic. And by and large, I haven't missed being "out of the loop".

The health and happiness of myself, of Mr. Nina, matter to me more than anything. I can find true gratitude in moments of simply being. Certainly moments of feeling well and healthy. God, how easy it is to take feeling well for granted! We only have the one body. Take care of it every day--mind, body and soul.

I've been thinking about the powers-that-be, those who have essentially created the current System by which we all work in, live by. And yeah, it's (mostly) run by criminals, thugs, people without souls (or likely forgotten they have one). It's lead by people who think money and power are more important than kindness and love. But I've been having this growing feeling of "ok, and?" These folks, through advertisers, through our schools and on into our communities and even our families, have convinced us of some things: "Live like THIS to be happy!"

Oh really?

Yeah, I don't make the kind of money I'd like, I have yet to find what kind of life work I am to create, and I have yet to own my own home (all things "associated" with "the american dream")....and while I have every intention of changing all of the aforementioned, I'm tired of thinking along the lines of "I'll finally be happy, feel good, when I achieve X Y and Z." Maybe the American Dream need be about simply being H A P P Y.

This is a small example, but I think about the cell phone. I saw something on PBS tonight where the journalist mentioned something about the people she spoke with claimed to never be without their phones, how much they believe they need them. I know of a few people, young and old, who, if you took away their cell phone, would go through a mini-breakdown. When I have seen this happen on some of the talk shows, I can't help but laugh and think, "You'll be just fine."

It's all perspective. What we think we need. What we think we must have to feel good, to be happy. Today, to me, that is good health, the company of people I enjoy--love of self and others. Appreciating the so-called little things which are in truth the BIG things.

Yes, I am beginning to finally see, to finally believe, I can be happy NOW. Today. And not just one of those moments of happiness, but truly happy with who I am right now. Even in spite of what's going on out in the world at large. I recall once reading the following: Fall in love with everything in your life and you will not want or need for anything.

Maybe that's what is finally going on inside of this little heart and soul of mine. Maybe it's expanding. Or maybe she's just remembering who she really is again. Maybe I'll finally really know and live this thing called love before I leave this earthly plane. It's probably the "best" goal I could ever accomplish.


tkn said...

hi nina,

i know there is no substitute for realizations that are made by your self, but i want to share something i just came across.

i had googled "the meaning of life" and came across this website.


this is only the first part of six. there is a wealth of content on the rest of the site. I read this part with great interest.

patootie said...

"There's always cheap whisky"

Nina said...

i'll have to check out the pavlina website. thank you.