
The Insurance Industry Scam

mr. nina and i are in the process of signing up for private health insurance. we selected blue cross. i turned in our paperwork today at the insurance agents office. one of the agents looked it over and said "you should know that there is a high probability you will be turned down." i looked at her increduously. "what do you mean?" i asked. she pointed out our list of health ailments--none of them serious. i laughed and said "but those are issues that most people our age deal with." "i realize that. but nonetheless, you will likely be rejected."

she then went on to tell me about another plan that doesn't reject anybody. it's also owned and operated by guess who? you got it. BLUE CROSS. "oh, i see," i said. "let me guess. we get less coverage and pay a higher premium." yep. $150/month to be exact. and yep, less coverage too, including no vision, which is included in plan we are signing up for. "so let me see if i get this straight. blue cross will likely reject us. but they then will offer us a plan that has less coverage while they get more of our money?" insurance lady just looked at me and said "you could say that."

i could have stayed calm but i decided not to. for those who read my blog, you know i am pissed the farm fuck off at the greed that permeates our culture, creating a system that uses those at the bottom so those at the top can profit and live a life of luxury. i despise the laws and policies that protect these greedy fuckers. i blew a fuse today.

"how can you work in an industry that supports this kind of greed? i don't get that! it's criminal! these folks should be tried in a court of law! escaping into canada is sounding VERY APPEALING at the moment! i have had it with the american way. the capitalist system. had it! SOMETHING needs to be done about this crisis. health insurance should be a RIGHT and not the luxury that it is today! people like myself are going to begin revolting!"

she tried making me feel better by telling me the story of a recent client who was rejected because she has osteoporosis. THAT IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!

i left in a huff, walked outside. even kicked my car and let out a vent of frustration. i was oh so tempted to march down to my spouses place of employment and kick his boss in the ass, demand that he do the right thing and provide his employees insurance. but being i don't wish to see my spouse fired, i decided to call a friend instead and toss back a brownie and some doritos. and given our health insurance situation, i stuffed a few carrots and some broccoli into my mouth as an afterthought. for good measure.

1 comment:

nolocontendere said...

"The richest country on earth pouring trillions into black holes of corporate corruption while the people get sick and die from lack of affordable health care and overpriced pharmaceuticals.

Dick Cheney