
sunday potpourri

speaker hastert following in the shoes of foley? i gotta admit that i wasn't aware what hastert looked like. when i got a look at him last week, i first thought he was foley. something in me just knew--he's a pedophile.

that gut instinct of mine is more often right than wrong.

if this isn't enough to make your stomach churn, here's a little piece that will make your head spin. i've worked with kids in the past and thus had those times when parents were late picking up their child. the only time social services or the police were called happened after the parents were 30 minutes or so late AND after attempts to contact them failed. here we have a school who wants the children held at the police station and social services contacted if children are not picked up by 6:30pm (after being released at 6:15pm). this certainly doesn't sound like a school that is interested in the well-being of their children or their parents. this sounds like a school that wishes to run like a military training camp.

now that i've touched a nerve in both your stomach and your head, here's one that will have people saying "hey is that a computer chip on my ass?!" the maker's of levi's wish to implant RFID chips in their clothing. just another reason to buy those jeans at the goodwill.

i hereby announce that the world is now officially insane...........


Editor at Large said...

So Hastert was protecting Foley (and is now protecting himself) because Hastert has the same "tendencies"...isn't that special?

We agree with you - the world is insane.

nolocontendere said...

Don't know what that Jones article was about, wouldn't open, but Hastert has a whole lot of stuff in his closet. He lives with his top aide and is married in name only. Like to junket to child sex-friendly countries and is reported to be a bottom - a catcher rather than a pitcher if you get my meanin'. Now that being a gay dude in the GOP is no longer going to be hushed up and protected, watch how the repugs take out the long knives.
Oh I think this is just getting started.

Nina said...

well as they say, like attracts like. this time the "like" makes ya go "eeewww"... i believe this is just the tip (no pun intended) of the iceberg. i just hope the child predator "tendencies" don't get swept under the rug and instead the focus turns to gays in the white house. two utterly totally different things of course.

i apologize for the prison planet article not linking. i don't know what the problem is. some school in virginia (i believe) has made it a policy that if parents do not pick up their children by 6:30pm (after they are released at 6:15pm--after school detention program) they, the children, will be held at the police station and social services will be called.