
Tennessee Town Has Run Out Of Water

The small town of Orme, TN has run out of water. For only 3 hours a day, residents are allowed to bathe, wash clothes and dishes and perform other activities dependent upon water consumption. The town has received a $377,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Utility crews are laying down a 2.5 mile pipe that will connect Orme to the Bridgeport, Alabama water supply. That's good news for Orme residents. However, as one Orme resident stated:

"I feel for the folks in Atlanta," he says, his gravelly voice barely rising above the sound of rushing water from the town's tank. "We can survive. We're 145 people. You've got 4.5 million people down there. What are they going to do? It's a scary thought."

Given the extreme drought that has hit this part of the Southeast, it is indeed a scary thought.

1 comment:

nolocontendere said...

Time to get a water filter!