
Some of my blog reader stats

Once in awhile I like to see who is reading my blog, where they come from and how they found my site. Here are a few examples of readers who have visited the past week...

A blogger out of Asia stumbled upon my blog after googling "what's in my chicken mcnuggets". Funny, huh? At least he/she is concerned about what they eat, or at the very least, curious.

Someone from here in town found me after googling "oregon slumlords".

Along those lines, a Hewlett Packard employee out of California found me after googling "Kip Schoning". (Is there any state where this guy isn't googled?)

Someone from New Zealand found me when they googled "memory foam mattress". I hope their search is less frustrating and time-consuming than ours was.

And last but not least, this rather disturbing/interesting/don't-quite-know-what-to-make-of-it blogger from an Air Force Base out of Ohio found me after googling "china and invasion and west coast". I blogged about the dream I had about such an event and how I had found two other persons, one here in the states and one in Germany, who had had the same dream. Does the military know something we don't??

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