
Some Bills Worth Noting

As taken from Prison Planet:

1) Marriage equality: Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, D-San Francisco, has a bill that would make it easier for men to take their wives' last names when they get married. It's on the Senate Judiciary Committee's agenda on Tuesday.

2) Hemp farming: Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, is making another attempt to allow California farmers to grow hemp, a distant, low-potency cousin of marijuana that is used in myriad products. The bill is before the Senate Agriculture Committee on Tuesday. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the proposal last year.

when i married mr. nina, i kept my last name. he had an issue with it for awhile, but he learned to come around. i've had the idea for some time now for both of us to pick a last name to share. he likes the idea, but we haven't been able to come up with one. i kinda like nevaeh--heaven spelled backwards. any ideas??

hemp farming is one of those "duh" no-brainer issues to me. of course it should be legal to grow (as should its 'cousin'). it can free of us of our dependency on oil, on cotton, on woods used to build homes. it's an excellent moisturizer (i love my hemp conditioner). it's virtually pesticide-free. so many uses. so stupid it isn't legal. so time for industries such as oil and cotton to back off and let in some new ideas, or should i say bring back a good idea. and of course, get the hysterical "oh my god we can't allow THAT to be grown! kids would want to smoke it!" folks out of the picture as well. or at least educate them. you can't smoke it. well, you can. but if you smoke it to get high, you're gonna have to consume a huge quantity of it, and you would likely puke before experiencing any sort of a buzz. isn't is funny--you can get buzzed off of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, otc pressurized spray containers--all legal. but uncle sam and some americans freak out on a plant.

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