
Buzzing's In My Brain for Today

here's a highlight of what's buzzing through my brain today (i've been writing off and on the past two days, working on a project, so if my words don't make sense, please forgive me):

*article after article i have read online about the world coming to an end. about prophecy. the conspiracies. aliens. chemtrails. new world order. the illuminati. bohemian grove. child sex trade. all of them conflicting in some way or another. who do you believe?? some of these people totally discredit themselves in my eyes when they toss in religion. henry makow, author of savethemales website (yes, that is the name. ) is one such crackpot. on the one hand, he's smart as hell. well-read. but then he goes off in this weird direction when it comes to feminism and homosexuality. this guy is under the impression, illusion i would say, that feminism and homosexuality have destroyed man's place in the world. boo fucking hoo. why doesn't he dig deeper and tell the truth, which is that women and gays/lesbians have demanded their FAIR ACCESS to said world. this guy really thinks women will only truly be happy when they are caring for their families. doing the housework, taking care of the needs of their spouses (who MUST be male) and children. i'll remember that the next time i'm cleaning the shower or cooking the meal. this is my duty, my assigned role as the gender with a vagina and boobs. and as such, it makes me HAPPY. happy happy happy

*unions. corporations. some saying unions are bad. some saying corporations need protecting. protecting? from what? from the evil WORKERS who simply want their fair share of the wealth? god forbid those doing the daily work share in the success, eh? unions are bad. please. unions are needed to protect the workers from the true evil: today's corporate ceo. mr. nina's employer is such a classic example. his business brings him a net profit of well over a million a year. his highest paid employee? around $12/hour. most of the rest are minimum wage. mr. biz owner spends little time at said business. so the picture is: workers do most of the work, get paid crap, aren't receiving ANY benefits but the one who had the money to buy the business gets to cash in on the wealth? i dare one person, i challenge one person who thinks this is OK to tell me exactly how this is fair and decent. those words only. fair and decent.

*family. they suck. i changed my blog address because i noticed they may have found my little sanctuary here. now if we had the kind of relationship where i could express myself openly without being ignored, belittled or silenced, i'd welcome them to read what i have to say, even about them, although if we DID have that kind of loving, respectful relationship, i likely wouldn't bitch about them as i tend to do from time to time.

*contrails/chemtrails. what the fuck are they? for once i'd just like to know what the fuck they are and what their purpose is.

*grass pollen. fucking pollen levels are through the roof this year. a meteorologist described how they measure the levels--in tonage. he said he has never seen pollen levels this high. duh. at least this explains why i've had to keep myself inside since memorial day weekend. oh sure, i can go outside, but inevitably my nose starts to tickle and the sneeze fest begins. even mr. nina is bothered, if not more than i am. he's never had classic allergy symptoms until this year. i hope they drop soon because i'm going fucking stir crazy feeling so damn cooped up!

*dumb ass landlords. the siding on this place is in dire need of being replaced. it's old--likely the original siding, making it 50 years old. there are moisture stains on one side. we've even had water droplets come through the walls during the rainy months. landlord knows this. his solution? it's brilliant, i tell you. he's going to paint the place. yep, that will take care of that pesky problem. idiot. i'm about ready to take over a house and say "this is what we can afford. don't like it? tough shit. we're as deserving as anyone else who makes more money, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. we're moving in!"

*the strange odor coming from my sweet little dog right now. good lord! i hope she didn't get into my bean burrito.........

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