
singing the election song.......

if you could hear me sing, i would sound like a howling coyote. not a howling coyote searching for a mate. not a howling coyote making myself known. nope. i would sound like a howling coyote who is experiencing pain.........

i'm holding this voters ballot. it is my anger that wishes to rip it up. it is my pain that wishes to speak to the pretty pictures of the candidates. "WHY?! why have you spoon-fed we the public your campaign promise drivel when you need to be speaking about the system for what it is: FUCKED UP. why haven't you spoken of real campaign finance reform--you know what i'm talking about--the kind of reform that puts a MAXIMUM DOLLAR (i like $50--it's a good number) on the amount any individual, organization or corporation can donate in any political election year. not day. not second. YEAR. why haven't you said the capitalist system has created a system of division. of discrimination. equal opportunity for all? give me a break! why haven't you said every person is deserving of a clean, safe home. clean clothing. healthy, abundant supply of food. safe transportation. and health care. all without being based on their income, sexual orientation, religion, race, political affiliation, size of their nose, whether or not they have a tattoo, etc. etc............"

there is so much talk from the progressives who seem utterly convinced that putting democrats back in charge will fix what has ailed us the past 6 years. sigh. this country's been ailing for DECADES. we're just seeing the effects more clearly now. take the bush and reagan administrations. these dudes got into power and created the "trickle down" theory. you know the story--allow the rich to have more of their money, they'll in turn spend it, pumping more money back into the economy which by some miraculous powers will find it's way to the starving african-american neighborhood, whose homes have been built next to a waste facility because some powerful zoning expert deemed it "safe".

these same two dudes also decided to put an end to the "finding the cure for cancer" cause. oh it was brilliant, what these two did, destroying all evidence that had been put together by some major universities back in the 1970's that showed the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, had been shown to both reduce and eliminate certain cancer tumors. we need to understand why this was done though. they had a war to start. the war on drugs. or as it really is, the war on people.

of course that was a republican administration. but 8 years of clinton didn't fare us any better. (perhaps he should have inhaled.) he was a supporter of NAFTA afterall. ship them jobs overseas. he continued to support the elite while he hid behind some supposedly middle-class american family policies. the family leave act. and let's not forget his supposed attempt, along with wife billary, to establish a national health care plan. what did he do with the poor, other than to proclaim "i feel your pain?" oh that's right--he made it tougher for welfare-recipients to stay on assistance--forcing single mothers to go to work for minimum wage, having to find a way to provide day care for their children. oh, but they were "success stories"--the welfare-to-work program. i always wondered why the term "livable wage" was never included in that scenario.

so the dems may regain the house and perhaps the senate. who knows. who really cares. think they'll talk about the issues that really matter to you and i? (i found it interesting to see a poll that showed the majority of americans polled put homeland security and the war on terror on the bottom of the list of topics presented and yet the pukaticians continue to banter away on winning this unwinnable war--totally side-stepping the concerns of the people.) think they'll put aside their own obsessions with money and power and will begin to work for you and i? you know, we the people?

so back to my ballot. my choice to vote. do i or don't i. there's a saying that goes something like this: "if you don't vote, you have no right to complain." if only the author of that saying could see what the process has become today. he/she would likely think differently. come up with a new saying. "if you don't vote, well my friend, i hear ya. i hear ya............"

1 comment:

nolocontendere said...

I haven't voted in 26 years and am proud of that fact. The process is completely corrupt, top to bottom. What's that aphorism, "It only encourages them?"