

i was watching some man on the tube speak about wealth. he said he has never understood those who write about poverty and how to resolve poverty continue to speak about the problems of poverty long after they've achieved millions selling their books. ok, so this catches my attention considering i completely fucking agree. but as i continue to observe him, i notice the huge rings on his fingers. the diamonds. the jewels. his suit, obviously a designer suit. his face, nicely tanned. his silver hair, very well cut and styled.

the guy's swimming in wealth himself.

fucking hypocrite. "i'm going to insult those who are doing the same thing as am i."

he went on to talk about how we are to share the wealth. how we are to shine our light without blinding others. uh oh, i thought, the guy's going religious on me.

the camera then points to the interviewer--pat fucking robertson. that ugly slimy smile he wears. how anyone can look at that man for more than a moment and not KNOW he's the epitomy of evil and greed and lies is beyond my scope of comprehension.

i immediately turned the tv off. saged the room. saged myself. saged the dog. (wasn't going to take any chances.)

i don't understand why one person has yet to ask these gluttunous bastards (and bitches) who speak out against poverty "do you think the planet could sustain it if we ALL lived YOUR lifestyle?" i love the lines from forrest gump about wealth. "mama always said there's only so much money a person needs. most of it's just for showing off. use what you need then give away the rest." love it love it love it

i also don't understand why these folks don't talk about sharing the wealth. and i don't understand why they don't point out the studies that show that those countries who have more equitable wealth distribution have citizens who are healthier and happier. it's simply common sense. fucking common sense.

it's so easy to focus on africa. so very easy. it's so very easy for these rich stars to point to africa and say "we must help them!" duh! no brainer! the conditions throughout africa are, of course, horrendous. the ONE campaign regularly (conveniently??) interchanges the words "poverty" and "extreme poverty". one day they're out to erradicate extreme poverty. the next day, they want to eliminate poverty. oprah gives away 10% of her income. angelina jolie, 30%. they're worshipped because of it. why? if i were a multi-millionaire or a billionaire, my god, it would be soooooooo easy to give away up to 30% of my income. i don't need 5 homes. i don't need private chauffeurs and cooks and nanny's and gardeners and housecleaners. i don't need my own private jets and helicopters. and guess what? NO ONE DOES.

we ALL need a nice home. we ALL need an income/wage that pays nothing less than a living wage. we ALL need running water and heat and cooling. we ALL need healthy, fresh, abundant food. we ALL need clean clothing. we ALL need access to health care. we ALL need to breath clean air. and until these rich idiots begin talking about REDISTRIBUTING THE WEALTH, they are doing nothing more than putting band-aids on a lesion that will continue to ooze.

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