
am i the only one who thinks about things like this on a regular basis???

i was inside enjoying a peaceful, quiet shower when i heard a loud rumbling outside. at first i thought it was the garbage pick-up, then realized it was too loud for that. it sounded like a plane, so i jump out of the shower, throw on a robe and run outside. yep, it was a plane allright. fighter plane. all in honor of the civil war football game event going on today. as the pilot flew overhead, i sent him a mental image of homeless kids and adults, hoping he would see some of these poor souls on his journey to our gluttunous, greedy university.

i should make it clear that in and of itself, i am not against such acts of excess. but i most certainly am when the thousands of dollars spent for a few moments of entertainment could be so much better used elsewhere. my god when will we get our act together and put our dollars into FIXING what needs FIXING first and THEN engaging in fun moments of excess. our university was paid a huge sum of money by a major television affiliate all over a stupid football game. a sporting event that isn't going to do a damn thing to really help those in need. part of that money went towards paying for these fighter planes to fly overhead. (i'd like to add a little caveat. this sporting event DID help line the pockets of my spouses employer. he saw over 6k in the first 3 hours of business. if he appreciated and embraced the concept of sharing the wealth, which is what decent people and employers do, he would spread a little of that joy around to those who, you know, actually DO the work. but he's a capitalist pig, so he's going to smile his fucking ass all the way to the bank.)

as i have said, i'm an employee of this university. i make a little over $8/hour. the coach of these football players makes about $800/minute. talk about income G A P.

apparently my services, which benefit those with disabilities, isn't as valued as some fucking football coach, who would really do some good if they were to teach their players to speak proper english. these players look like idiots when interviewed on television. uh uh uh you know, weez justs gotta execute.

ok, getting off on a tangent here...............i have for so long wondered why there is such a homeless problem in my community and why there is so much poverty here. this is a filthy rich town--lots of money--lots of old money. and yet even though some of these folks do volunteer their time and give some of their money away, there is no fucking way they're willing to do more--give more of that money--give up more of their resources and share them in such a way that will equal the playing field--you know, actually create a REAL community, not a community of have's and have not's. i mean come on, what kind of a community is that? community is inclusive, not exclusive........ i have formed one question that i wish to see everyone ask themselves: is the lifestyle i am living capable of being supported by the planet if everyone were to live the same lifestyle?

if the answer is "likely not" or "most definitely not", then you are contributing to the problem of poverty, which is an (unnecessary) social condition produced by capitalism and a value system which values money over the well being of others. change your mind, change your heart, change your behavior. in doing so, we can have a world where military planes fly overhead not only for corporate-sponsored sporting events or exclusive elitist parties but for us ALL. because god damnit, me and everyone in my same or similar situation are equally as worthy and deserving of such things as are those with the money to pay for it.

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