
To My Readers/Visitors: Thank You

Yesterday, I checked out my site meter stats and noticed the number of hits went through the roof. I usually average 35-40/day. Yesterday, that number went up to 400.

Yeah, unreal, huh? At first I thought it had to be a mistake. However, upon reading the links that brought these folks to my site, I saw where the majority were searching for information on Boey Byers, the Corvallis girl who lost her fight to cancer back in December. I posted a very brief message about this.

She and her family had been featured on Extreme Makeover last fall. Last night that show was re-aired. At the end, it was announced she had died.

So that's what had prompted the surge in hits. And it's given me a sense of hope. That so many people are searching to find out information about this little girl is a testament to the hearts, to the compassion that is still alive. I'm humbled and thankful for that today. With all of the chaos and absolutely unnecessary suffering going on throughout the world and here in the states, we need that kind of interest and compassion in a very big way.

So dear readers and visitors, thank you for giving me a sense of hope and humbleness.

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