
New Chantix Ad

I found this rather interesting, an ad I saw today, from the makers of Chantix. Now they are suggesting you may want to stay on the drug (if you are using it to quit smoking that is) past the 12 week recommendation. You may want to stay on it an additional 12 weeks.

Uh huh. This is marketing (lying) lingo for "What we don't want to tell you is that after the initial 12 weeks, once you stop the medication, you have a fairly high chance of returning to that cigarette." Their answer? Stay on the drug.

According to the hits I get on this blog, there are people around the globe who are having obvious concerns about this drug. Anyone still in doubt, google "chantix problems". Educate yourself before making a final decision.

1 comment:

Nina said...

Uh huh. Tell that to the people who began feeling suicidal after taking this product. Feed your misleading marketing statements to the folks who discovered after going off the drug, that nicotine addiction kicked right back in. This drug was flagged due to the complications and risks and side effects people were experiencing. It has no business being promoted as positively as you and the site you have referred my readers to.