
Why Blog?

I've been asking myself this question quite a bit lately. I originally started this blog hoping upon a star that some brilliant publisher or editor would discover my wisdom and wit and grant me a weekly column. Or a book deal.

Nope. I don't dream big, do I?

In time, I began to feel a purpose, a sense of responsibility to warn the world of those things that the MSM doesn't air. To paint another version of reality.

However, in today's blogosphere, millions are already doing that, which leads me back to my question: Why Blog? Why today?

I don't know. Some days I think about deleting the whole thing, mostly because I don't want to be on some damn watch list.

Fear's a nasty little demon, isn't it.

Sometimes I think about starting over again, this time under the disguise of an older man. Men still seem to have the upper hand when it comes to respect in our culture. They do, afterall, still rule the halls of the media outlets, corporations, court system and government and all of those strange "secret societies". I cannot tell you how often I've been at parties, gatherings over the years, engaged in political discussion, and overwhelmingly the males will not only dominate the conversation, their opinions will be given more merit, more attention than the females. I recall one conversation where I finally said "hey, I would like to contribute to this conversation, too." I was told by one of the men that he didn't think I would be interested in such things.

Oh but of course, you are correct. I'm MUCH more interested in how to pre-soak my delicates...

It's also more acceptable (for men and women) for a man to show his rage and anger than it is for women. I've been accused more than once on this blog of being too this or too that, usually referring to my emotional state. God knows I have heard it in my non-computer reality. I've read plenty of blogs from my male counterparts and certainly don't see this phenomena. I have, however, seen it on other women's blogs.

So, again, why blog?

Because I have something to say. Because of my desire to share. Because I need to unload every now and then so that my pillows aren't the only recipients of my distress. Because maybe some day, some of my words will be found in some archeological dig and will either be found as something humorous or as something archaic or perhaps even as something worth reading, leaving the founders to wonder, "why didn't more people listen to her back then".


Anonymous said...

I keep waiting for this whole blogging thing to fizzle out and in the meantime am wondering if what I am doing is a big fat waste of time. Who knows for sure, but it does give all of us a platform to connect with others. I say keep going... I am.

Spiritbear said...

I do it just to vent most of the time. I have also made a few good friends this way.

As long as someone reads it, I will keep doing it

tkn said...

You do have things to say, very important things and I hope you never stop.

Nina said...

Yeah, I couldn't give this up even if I tried. I was called "the mouth" for a reason growing up.