
fuck is a good word isn't it

looking around at the books and videos i have checked out from the library. all focusing on NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION. something i am passionately interested in. someplace inside that is. my approach lately though in dealing with people i consider inconsiderate or abusive is the flippant "fuck you" approach. inside my mind, a small voice is reminding me of the books and tapes i have. here's how ready i am to embrace these techniques. i told that small voice to "fuck off" yesterday.
why am i in this state of mind? i feel tired. i feel apathetic. i feel so intensely angry. i simply feel deeply saddened. the question is, can i break free of this? do i force it? do i just allow it all to be? just be me? me in all of my "fuck off/fuck you" glory? maybe it isn't such a 'bad' state of mind. maybe it's more common than i realize.
as i heard today, 'fuck' isn't a bad word. it's an adult word.
good thing it's still not on some new governmental "words you must never say" list. i plan on using it for a fucking looooooooooooooooong time.


nolocontendere said...

Lenny Bruce: "Fuck you." Never understood that insult, because fucking someone is actually really pleasant. If we're trying to be mean, we should say "unfuck you!"

Nina said...

or how about BUSH YOU! saw a bumper sticker here in town--same design as those W04 w/the flag political bumper stickers. only this one said WTF. loved it.