
can i please just go back to bed now?

woke up this morning........stumbled out of bed........made me some oatmeal......tossed in some cranberries and walnuts (i ain't a coffee drinker--i rely on real food to get me going in the morning)........decided to check out what was happening out in the world........

first i turned on the tv.........700 club blared at me putting their "positive" spin on the war........next.........rosie o'donnell slamming bush and his iraq policies........ok, more in tune w/my heart but still, she's a grossly over-paid, highly consuming individual who hasn't a clue as to what is really needed in terms of solving the sufferings of humanity..........next.........hey, elmo's on........he's harmless and cute.......adorable and fuzzy.........oh but wait--i forgot--in a drunken moment i spontanteously did a routine on "porn star elmo" and ever since then, i am not able to view him in the same innocent light........

let's check out what the internet has to to say..........iraq veteran returns home to find storage facility has sold his belongings........wtf?.......next........barbara walters "rips" into donald trump ok do not want to hear or read ANOTHER FUCKING WORD about that waste of journalistic filth......next........lots of fluff articles about how to get that winter "glow" with our make-up ladies (gives one chills of excitement just reading that doesn't it?! WOW)......another piece on how to get the body u really want.......oh wait--it says i need to exercise everyday and :::shudder::: give up cheese. nope--ain't gonna happen........especially the cheese part.......

let's check the 'ole e-mail inbox...........work at home opportunity for christians........being i am not christian, i have no clue how that one arrived........delete......."join in with others to stop the carnage".......mass mailing from one of the political organizations i have signed up for over the past few years..........if it weren't butt nipping cold outside, i'd consider it.........delete........and wait, what's this? a reminder to tune into the president's speech tonight where he plans on unveiling his new strategy for iraq.......

sigh. at this point, do you really think i care? do you really think i plan on spending one precious second of my life to hear what he has to say? to quote a man whose work i recently read about bush, "our president is intellectually lazy". that's a kind way of saying he's a self-centered sloth. do i really think the democrats are going to do the right thing and pull out our troops? hell no. why would they? they've shown their true colors by saying there will be no impeachment hearings which reveals the truth of the criminal filth back in d.c. as my girlfriend recently told me: "i've finally realized our government doesn't give a crap about us. that's why i have the desire to live out my days in the mountains in a small cabin with my girls and other folks like myself. all of us self-sufficient."

hear hear. until then, can i please just go back to bed?

1 comment:

nolocontendere said...

"another piece on how to get the body u really want"

Scarlett Johansson?