what a week.............and i mean what a week.........the kind where come sunday evening, i slump down in my recliner and let out a sigh as i mutter "thank god that one's over!"
for starters, a job i was promised didn't come through. what made it more distressing to me was that i had to contact the person to find this out. oops--decided to hire someone else even though this same person had told me they would be in contact in 1-2 weeks to arrange a time to train me. just 3 weeks ago i had a phone interview suddenly canceled. why? company decided to hire others with high tech. background, even though their ad originally said no experience was necessary--they were instead more interested in those with great customer service experience/skills and a love of the arts. fit me perfectly, which is why i was asked to interview. never had an interview canceled like that. that was certainly a first. but it seems to be a growing trend amongst employers--this energy of inconsideration and thoughtlessness. or as i say when i am pissed off "what a flake!"
there was the guy i met at a party a month ago. he was good friends with the host, a friend of my hubs. a group of us were talking and he was talking with us about his non-profit he has and how he is looking for writers. i told him i had worked as a freelance writer for a few years awhile back. this peaked his interest--we talked about what he was looking for, etc. he said he would put me in touch with a woman who was going to be doing some writing for him. a few days later, the dude who hosted the party informed my spouse that i should know this friend of his suffers from schizophrenia. anything he says you just cannot take seriously. he creates a lot of stories in his mind. honest to god. my husband asked "why didn't anyone say anything to my wife? she was very interested in the possibility of working for him." his friend apologized for that and said he wanted to but didn't wish to embarass his friend.
at that point i was thinking "oh man......." that and he should wear a damn sign that says "i suffer from schizophrenia. anything i say cannot be taken seriously." but now that i have had these additional experiences--now i am thinking "WTF?!"
when it comes to trying to pick up additional part-time income, i have come to the conclusion that i have a "FUCK ME" sign around my body. invisible of course but still there nonetheless. i could write down my experiences in the job search/income producing as of late, but being i have a hard time believing my own 'bad luck' or whatever you want to call it, i will spare myself the time in doing so.
my spouse threw his back out and is now pretty much laid up. not so annoying when the weather cooperates or when i haven't had a suck ass week. however, we have been hit with 100 plus temps for the past several days and our little window a/c unit only cools things so much. we're used to temps in the low 80's during our peak summer time. this is unreal. as a result, he and i (and likely the whole state) are so drained from the heat, neither of us want to move. and someone has to fix some food, feed the dog, go the store, etc...........
a good friend of mine lost a friend of hers she had been caring for for the past several months. her death was inevitable but of course when it hits, it hits hard. so i tried being there for my friend as much as i could. she has also just dealt with the break-up of a relationship and some other personal crisis so the phone calls have been plenty and honestly, at this point for myself, just draining.
good lord.....i could use some caretaking right now!
i've been following the story of the young boy from virginia (or west virgina--can't remember). he's 16 and is dealing with a return of cancer. he doesn't wish to go through chemo or radiation anymore so he and his family have sought out alternative treatments. some social worker with a stick up her nazi-ass decided this was child abuse and neglect so she stuck her nose into where it didn't belong and got a court order for the state, granting them temporary custody where upon he would be ordered--forced--to check into the hospital and undergo the western way for treating cancer.
well naturally his family was outraged and they put up a fight. unfortunately, the family and ultimately, this young boy lost and the judge has ordered the boy be admitted to the hospital.
i hope they pack up and leave the country or at the very least, the state. i would be more than willing to put them up. i am sure they are receiving hundreds of similar offers. makes me want to put up a sign on my house that says "THIS IS A SAFE HOUSE. A GOVERNMENT FREE ZONE."
i watched a news story tonight about these americans who are wired 24/7. who work 60 plus hours a week. who IM and e-mail their own spouses WHILE AT HOME TOGETHER. who are so addicted to work and their gadgets they are missing out on real human connections. they talk about the downfalls of this loss as though they were referring to losing a cheap piece of jewelry. it's the new american way. gotta have more more more. gotta work more more more. gotta gotta gotta gotta do do do do.
the europeans have it right. they work less hours. they take tons of vacation. afternoon siestas. government paid health care. they also have less stress-related illnesses AND higher productivity than we over-worked, enslaved americans. (where's my visa and ticket overseas? any european wanna temporarily adopt a couple of burned out americans who are looking for a new way??) in as much as they have become westernized in their own way, they haven't forgotten what really matters: taking care of ourselves and one another. connecting with one another. pleasure and health and play. they haven't adopted the western rugged individualism concept. let's hope they never do.
the latest statistic on the average size home for americans? 4,500'. jesus louisus frigging flipping chrissy. i mean come ON don't these folks stop and think about the word gluttony??? who in the world needs a home that big? unless you have adopted a bunch of kids or run a medium size business out of your home, i cannot imagine anyone really NEEDING this size of a home.
i know some would say "that's none of your business"--the same crowd that says "that's none of your business" when i have asked "why do you own a hummer?" but know what? it is my business. it's my business because i care about our planet. if our planet could handle everyone owning a 4,500' home, could handle everyone driving hummers and other gas-guzzling vehicles, i'd say ok, so be it. however being this isn't plausible (and i am operating under the value that everyone is worthy of owning such a home and vehicle and that income should not be the determining factor that it is), that is why i feel i must speak out and say ok, come on now......let's rethink how we live. let's be more conscious of how we interact with those around us and our planet. let's be more responsible. let's begin to think in terms of "us" instead of simply "me".
this is probably why i feel so annoyed when i see these big name celebrities talk about poverty and other unnecessary, needless human suffering then get into their limo and go home to their 10,000 square foot mansions.
then there is the fighting in the middle east and the spin doctors of our corporate media doing their thing to provide the favortism for israel. violence though is entertaining. we're taught that. we eat our meals and watch violent programming on the news, in the movies, etc. study after study has shown that watching such violence has damaging effects on the body. it can raise blood pressure. it can release stress hormones. and watching such violence while eating provides additional damage. it's like before putting that bite of salad into your mouth, you pour a drop of gasoline on it.
that's why when i want to watch tv in the morning, i watch mr. rogers when i eat my morning cereal. : )
ok.........so it's just been too much of a week for me. i spent part of the day reading the book "the celestine vision" trying to center myself and restill my hope and faith. the author talks a lot about a changing world and how all of this chaos we now see will blossom into a new spiritual age where peace and harmony will be fully realized as we remember our authentic selves.
all i wanna know is this: IS THIS GONNA HAPPEN IN MY LIFETIME??? cause if not, i'm ready to pack up what i need, sell what i don't, and go find some abandoned cabin and live as far away from modern society as i can cause this american way of living no longer suits me.